The enduring love story of Abelard and Heloise, captured in their famed series of letters from the twelfth century, has been a favorite topic for scholars since first printed in 1615. In his revelatory debut, Abelard-Heloise Correspondence, author Roland Denise Oberson sheds a new-and shocking-light on this beloved literary monument of Western civilization. A new literal English translation of the long letters called epistles allows Oberson to reveal a radically different account of the events that took place between these two friends and future Benedictine monks. Through painstaking study of...
The enduring love story of Abelard and Heloise, captured in their famed series of letters from the twelfth century, has been a favorite topic for scho...
This is a genuine literal translation of Abelard's and Heloise's famous Correspondence. The English version is confronted with the first printed Latin text of 1615. Both texts are divided in 4542 items, numbered and juxtaposed for ease of reading, understanding and criticizing. This work provides proofs that the common reception of the life of those so-called lovers is incorrect and unscrupulous. With such a tool in the hands, everybody may interfere in the interpretation of one or another sentence or word. He has the capacity to indicate what part of the discourse is disputable. This kind of...
This is a genuine literal translation of Abelard's and Heloise's famous Correspondence. The English version is confronted with the first printed Latin...