Atmospheric and fascinating in its details, this delightful adaptation of the classic tale tells the story of Aladdin and his struggles with the evil magician. Aladdin is manipulated by the magician into risking his life to retrieve a magical lamp from a dangerous cave. However, Aladdin claims the lamp as his own and starts to make his wishes, including marrying the beautiful princess. The magician vows revenge by kidnapping the princess and it is up to Aladdin to save her life. Dubois has created marvelous characters that make this a truly unique adaptation. The play premiered at the...
Atmospheric and fascinating in its details, this delightful adaptation of the classic tale tells the story of Aladdin and his struggles with the evil ...
For generations, these noteworthy children's plays have delighted and entertained young audiences. This three volume collection offers a diverse compilation of children's plays, from adaptations of literature to whimsical comedies and thought provoking plays, These captivating plays have a long history of performances by adult actors or by students and children. Long out of print, these plays are republished in new acting editions and available for production once again so that a whole new generation can discover them. Each play has been edited and arranged for today's standards. Volume 1:...
For generations, these noteworthy children's plays have delighted and entertained young audiences. This three volume collection offers a diverse compi...
For generations, these noteworthy children's plays have delighted and entertained young audiences. This three volume collection offers a diverse compilation of children's plays, from adaptations of literature to whimsical comedies and thought provoking plays, These captivating plays have a long history of performances by adult actors or by students and children. Long out of print, these plays are republished in new acting editions and available for production once again so that a whole new generation can discover them. Each play has been edited and arranged for today's standards. Volume 3:...
For generations, these noteworthy children's plays have delighted and entertained young audiences. This three volume collection offers a diverse compi...
A forgotten invitation to the Princess' christening sets off a vexing chain of events in this fast-paced, sharp witted version of the favorite tale. With her signature cleverness, Dubois retells the classic story with her own imaginative twists in this timeless story of the lovely Princess, the evil spell, and the handsome Prince who awakes her from her enchanted slumber. All the familiar characters are present, drawn with new life and interesting characterizations that set this Sleeping Beauty apart. Produced by Cornell University and the Workshop Players, Dubois play continues to captivate...
A forgotten invitation to the Princess' christening sets off a vexing chain of events in this fast-paced, sharp witted version of the favorite tale. W...