Wissenschaftliche Studie aus dem Jahr 1996 im Fachbereich Medizin - Chirurgie, Unfall-, Sportmedizin, Note: 1,0, AKAD-Fachhochschule Leipzig (Unbekannt), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Gang der Untersuchung: Ausgehend von einem geschichtlichen Abriss uber die arztliche Therapie und die sich daran anschliessenden rehabilitativen Massnahmen im Anschluss an eine Unterschenkelfraktur zweiten Grades in Kapitel 1 sollen im zweiten Kapitel grundlegende Begriffe und Definitionen erortert werden. Das Kapitel 3 dient der Darstellung der Wundversorgung und der krankengymnastischen und...
Wissenschaftliche Studie aus dem Jahr 1996 im Fachbereich Medizin - Chirurgie, Unfall-, Sportmedizin, Note: 1,0, AKAD-Fachhochschule Leipzig (Unbekann...
The book reports on a new methodology for optimization and evaluation of traffic safety, which simulates the processes involved in traffic conflicts on the basis of detailed dynamical, human, and technical models. The models incorporate the whole spectrum of human cognitive functions and responses, the responses of an active safety system and the interactions between the human and the system as they occur in a sample of relevant traffic contexts. Using the developed method, the author was able to assess the reduction in accidents and injuries as well as the possible side effects resulting...
The book reports on a new methodology for optimization and evaluation of traffic safety, which simulates the processes involved in traffic conflicts o...
The book reports on a new methodology for optimization and evaluation of traffic safety, which simulates the processes involved in traffic conflicts on the basis of detailed dynamical, human, and technical models.
The book reports on a new methodology for optimization and evaluation of traffic safety, which simulates the processes involved in traffic conflicts o...