In an audacious, provocative protest against flagrant global attempts to sexualise and commodify childhood for profit, award-winning artist Bryony Kimmings and her niece Taylor, nine, decided to play the global tween machine at its own game by inventing dinosaur-loving, bike riding, tuna pasta-eating, alternative pop star Catherine Bennett. In a typically screwball and humorous fashion, acclaimed writer Bryony Kimmings, tackles the issues at the very core of their plight head on and begsthe question, what does it really take to be a Credible Likeable Superstar Role Model for a child of...
In an audacious, provocative protest against flagrant global attempts to sexualise and commodify childhood for profit, award-winning artist Bryony Kim...
Bryony is an outrageous, hilarious, fearless Performance Artist from London. Tim is an outrageous, hilarious, fearless account manager at a top advertising firm. They are a couple. Tim has severe clinical depression. This brand-new collaboration blasts the taboo of mental illness out of the water. A wickedly heart-warming and funny celebration of the wonders and pitfalls of the human brain.
Bryony is an outrageous, hilarious, fearless Performance Artist from London. Tim is an outrageous, hilarious, fearless account manager at a top advert...