When people live in community moved by the gospel and marked by the Spirit, great things happen.
They commit to one another. They grieve together, sing together, eat, pray, and play together. They love, serve, honor, encourage, and provide for each other gladly. And they live on mission together.
Hearts are healed, walls come down, and outsiders come in. No competition. No pretense. No vain conceit. Just full hearts breaking bread and giving freely.
It is nothing short of amazing.
Most of us live in a shadow...
When people live in community moved by the gospel and marked by the Spirit, great things happ...
Deep down, every Christian wants to make a difference. But for many of us, the years come and go and we never do. The good news is: change can be as simple as opening your front door.
The Simplest Way to Change the World is about biblical hospitality and its power for the gospel. Since people will sooner enter a living room than a church, hospitality is a natural and effective way to build relationships for Christ. You'll learn:
How the home can be a hub for community
How hospitality leads to joy,...
How to make disciples using hospitality
Deep down, every Christian wants to make a difference. But for many of us, the years come and ...