"Emilia and Percy," follows Emilia and her toy penguin Percy as they set out to help a squirrel in the middle of winter in New York's Central Park. It teaches colour and word recognition through the repetition of keywords and captivating illustrations.
"Emilia and Percy," follows Emilia and her toy penguin Percy as they set out to help a squirrel in the middle of winter in New York's Central Park. It...
Daniel Webster compiles the collection of some of our most fascinating stories from the Pioneer Press Person of the Year Collection. Included: Zac Martin changes lives, just by being a normal 15 year old Our small town is safer, better with Michelle DeCausmaker Larry Stidham gives people a future, as someone gave him Eric Black is our generation of leadership Don Howell is a real environmentalist, and an awesome man Forgive and love each other unconditionally, is Elsie Thackeray's life message Water is Dan Keppen's pounding life-blood Dick and Norma Jones have dedicated a lifetime to simply...
Daniel Webster compiles the collection of some of our most fascinating stories from the Pioneer Press Person of the Year Collection. Included: Zac Mar...