Living in the long shadow of a tragic accident, Marion struggles through his solitary suburban life. He's resigned himself to a static existence, to living and dying in a world where every house looks exactly the same. Then he notices changes in his neighborhood. Tool sheds and playhouses are cropping up all over, hastily constructed and set at odd angles. The nutjob down the road builds an outhouse in the middle of his front yard, and the guy right next door is erecting two geodesic climbing domes, one nested inside the other. People are doing strange things on their lawns.
Living in the long shadow of a tragic accident, Marion struggles through his solitary suburban life. He's resigned himself to a static existence, to l...
Bill likes booze. He likes women. But he doesn't like to work. Luckily for Bill, if he plays the lottery, he wins. Every single time. What happens when a low-life starts living the high life? What happens when a deadbeat loser becomes the luckiest man alive? He draws some unwanted attention, naturally, from dark and powerful forces, and before he knows what's what, his days on Earth are numbered. Bill's luck just ran out.
Bill likes booze. He likes women. But he doesn't like to work. Luckily for Bill, if he plays the lottery, he wins. Every single time. What h...