BE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN DESTINY AND MAKE YOUR HEART'S DESIRES A REALITY. Command Seduce Attract Wealth Fame Romance Knowledge Read Minds. . .AND MUCH MORE Para-X Powers are NOT supernatural, nor are they of demonic origin. . .Para-X Powers consist of easy to apply techniques that give you the ability to summon a multitude of invisible Celestial Forces that are guaranteed to immediately BENEFIT YOU Did you ever notice that there are some people who seem to always come out ahead in life? You know the ones...they are always at the right time and place to get the very best of...
BE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN DESTINY AND MAKE YOUR HEART'S DESIRES A REALITY. Command Seduce Attract Wealth Fame Romance Knowledge Read Minds. . .A...
Visit Other Dimensions...Including The Seven Planes Of The Astral World.
There is no reason to be tied down to this place and time best described as the "material world," the lowest of all astral planes. Mystics have long known that there are many worlds on whch life thrives, many of them a lot more beautiful and blissful than our own.
Travel with DRAGONSTAR -- today's reigning master of a clan of magicians who have practiced in secret since the time of early Atlantis -- and co-author S. Panchadasi, as they show you how to break the...
Visit Other Dimensions...Including The Seven Planes Of The Astral World.