Re-Volt Komics is a monthly anthology created by mangaka and comic artists from around the world who all celebrate the spirit of revolution. By coming together from many different cultures and different nationalities the creators of this anthology hope to show western comic book companies and eastern manga companies our 'Komics.' N00b of Clandestein - In a time not so far away from today, the internet is a shadow of its former self, corporations and nations are indistinguishable, and the last place for human solitude lies within the unregulated pocket of virtual space that resides within the...
Re-Volt Komics is a monthly anthology created by mangaka and comic artists from around the world who all celebrate the spirit of revolution. By coming...
Pio Canlas August M. Bender Laiza Marie N. Magallanes
Re-Volt Komiks is a Monthly Publication for aspiring artists from around the world who all wish to submit one shots and serial komiks of any style in the spirit of revolution. Serial komiks in this issue: Noob 0f Clandestine, Graphene: Innocent as Sin, and Jinrui Origins One shot Komiks in this issue: Redshift (part 2), and Pneumatica
Re-Volt Komiks is a Monthly Publication for aspiring artists from around the world who all wish to submit one shots and serial komiks of any style in ...