These are the memoirs of Reg Gardner. He grew up in Sydney and served in the military for over thirty years. At the peak of his career, he commanded the Australian artillery regiment in Vietnam and was the Australian defence attache to Japan. He was a witness and participant in many of the major events of Australia's Cold War. In the late 1970s, Reg retired from army service and became an undergraduate in classics at the Australian National University. There, through his undergraduate and Ph.D. years, Reg brought an inspiration that only a life lived in community can offer. Throughout his...
These are the memoirs of Reg Gardner. He grew up in Sydney and served in the military for over thirty years. At the peak of his career, he commanded t...
This is the first history of phytotrons, huge climate-controlled laboratories that enabled plant scientists to experiment on the environmental causes of growth and development of living organisms. Made possible by computers and other modern technologies of the early Cold War, such as air conditioning and humidity control, phytotrons promised an end to global hunger and political instability, spreading around the world to thirty countries after World War II. The United States built nearly a dozen, including the first at Caltech in 1949. By the mid-1960s, as support and funding for basic...
This is the first history of phytotrons, huge climate-controlled laboratories that enabled plant scientists to experiment on the environmental causes ...