In life we often ask if our love is eternal for our spouse. Then we ask ourselves, "What is eternal love?" As you read and observe Hans and Sasha, you will discover what eternal love is all about. Love that is different than the world but beyond the heavenly clouds.
In life we often ask if our love is eternal for our spouse. Then we ask ourselves, "What is eternal love?" As you read and observe Hans and Sasha, you...
Ewige Liebe kann nur in den Tiefen unserer Herzen gefunden werden. Wie kann man die ewige Liebe zu erreichen? Durch den Glauben an Gott und Vergebung. Hans und Sasha sind uber den Wolken, die ewige Liebe zu geben. Jetzt muss Hans seine Liebe fur seine Freunde gelten, obwohl es leicht, unsere Gegensatze zu uberwinden aussehen, bald wird es ein Test sein. Wie wir lesen, mussen wir verstehen, dass wir anwenden, was Hans hat fur seine ewige Liebe Sasha. Halten Sie das Erbe geht."
Ewige Liebe kann nur in den Tiefen unserer Herzen gefunden werden. Wie kann man die ewige Liebe zu erreichen? Durch den Glauben an Gott und Vergebung....
A new series with a new life for Hans and Sasha. Everyone enjoys having a new life with hope for the future. Hans and Sasha chose Germany and to make everything work according to God's will. Hans discovers within his heart that there is one thing he is concerned about, and that is Sasha. When at the farm, he is told by Sarah his angelical wife, that she could be taken back to heaven at any time. The question is when. Travel with Hans and Sasha to a new discovery and perhaps a new life. Keep the legacy going.
A new series with a new life for Hans and Sasha. Everyone enjoys having a new life with hope for the future. Hans and Sasha chose Germany and to make ...
Who does not like to celebrate their life? We all do until something tragically happens. Hans realizes that life could be celebrated for its goodness, but he also realizes it could be taken away at any time. Unfortunately, Hans does not take it lightly when his angelical wife is taken up by God. Count your blessing each day, and read what Hans decides to do with his life after she departs. Keep the legacy going for the next journal.
Who does not like to celebrate their life? We all do until something tragically happens. Hans realizes that life could be celebrated for its goodness,...
Love does hurt especially when you make the wrong decision about the one you love. This time it cost Hans his marriage to Sasha. He assumed that Sarah his angel was gone, but was she? The book intensifies as Hans discovers misery while Sasha discovers peace. The book goes into a twist near the ending, and will surprise all in how one should keep the legacy going.
Love does hurt especially when you make the wrong decision about the one you love. This time it cost Hans his marriage to Sasha. He assumed that Sarah...
What would you do if you found out that your wish or thought could come true? I am sure you would make that wish right a way. That is what Mela did and she did it jokingly. Hans warned her not to wish and she did. She was going to have a baby. Of course Hans does not want a baby at 52 years old. He decides to find any excuse to stay a way from Mela to avoid a baby. In between you will discover how this baby has changed Hans and what he decides to and must do. Then you will find out a 35 year old discovery that was kept secret from Hans. His reaction of course would be furious. Discover what...
What would you do if you found out that your wish or thought could come true? I am sure you would make that wish right a way. That is what Mela did an...
We all like to have second chances to what we once had. After years of tearing down his marriage to Sasha he had only one opportunity to reconcile with her. After the death of Markus Sasha was torn down by memories. Then she decided to marry Hans and to carry out her mission. During their times together Hans saw changes in Sasha and questioned his marriage to her. As you read his journal you will have the opportunity to make your own conclusion why Sasha has changed. The answer will come.
We all like to have second chances to what we once had. After years of tearing down his marriage to Sasha he had only one opportunity to reconcile wit...