This mystery novel tells the story of prominent TV broadcaster Keith Papineau who falls from a high-rise apartment balcony in Vancouver, BC. His work colleagues and the police are quick to conclude that he took his own life. But Chelan Montgomery, the young reporter who hung out with him on his last night, is convinced that he was pushed. Keith's teenaged son asks her to uncover the truth and her journalistic skills propel her onto a trail that leads through mansions, office towers, and ski chalets to a final confrontation near a black diamond run at Whistler. A psychological thriller that...
This mystery novel tells the story of prominent TV broadcaster Keith Papineau who falls from a high-rise apartment balcony in Vancouver, BC. His wo...
Along the scenic back roads of Coastal Georgia and South Carolina, the live oaks and Spanish moss wave gently on the breeze. But are the dappled shade and lowcountry quiet ready for the ragtag collection of wannabe race drivers, gearheads and grease monkeys taking a hairpin turn to glory? Short the bucks it would take to join a real car rally, these not-ready-for-prime-time car jocks have concocted their own motorsports extravaganza. But as the revs build, valuable items begin to disappear. Do the fast fingers belong to the disgraced Formula 1 driver? The bleach blonde? Or maybe the...
Along the scenic back roads of Coastal Georgia and South Carolina, the live oaks and Spanish moss wave gently on the breeze. But are the dappled sh...