Call of a Dragon, the story of the Waterborn Saga had begun thousands of years before on a planet called Earth. Former great civilizations had become extinct, but aware of the fate which lay before them had reached out, leaving Time Capsules for a new race to find, designed to help them in the development. The new race of people, because of their retained affinity with the sea called themselves the Waterborn. Highly intelligent and with telepathic powers the Time Capsules did accelerate the growth and the building of their civilization. Another civilization was taking an interest in the...
Call of a Dragon, the story of the Waterborn Saga had begun thousands of years before on a planet called Earth. Former great civilizations had become ...
A Leaf That Floats upstream is a readable, straight from the shoulder Narrative Non-Fiction book which examines issues which constitute the threat that civilization is posing to the future of the Human Race and all life on Earth. Do we want to provide an environment and a society which will be safe and suitable for our children and those not yet born, or shall we allow arrogance avarice and apathy make the choice for us? All around us the deterioration of the Eco-system and our environment is obvious, morality is at an all-time low and almost every country on the Planet is so burdened with...
A Leaf That Floats upstream is a readable, straight from the shoulder Narrative Non-Fiction book which examines issues which constitute the threat tha...