It's a hard knock life for the modern 20th century Romeo and Juliet duo, residing in the shady sewers of the Motor City. Husband Darnell "Smoke" Mitchell is a police captain/dirty cop who has transformed the evidence room at his 11th precinct into a get rich quick scheme. Darnell and his American Next Top Model wife Passive take the drug world by desert storm. The itching greed of drug money makes them succumb to their inner weaknesses. Passive and Smoke were happily married with no kids and no problems until their marriage started getting hotter than a volcanic eruption. But you know what...
It's a hard knock life for the modern 20th century Romeo and Juliet duo, residing in the shady sewers of the Motor City. Husband Darnell "Smoke" Mitch...
Shady is as shady does, and the shadiest of them all is still the monomaniacal ether of the West- steaming and beaming from Lindsay Chambers. Lindsay swept through the Mitchell family like a tornado funnel cloud and left everybody and everything discomposed except for her adorn Smoke. Entrapping Smoke was a war declaration to the anti-violent Passive Mitchell who now had to mournfully replace herself with her street facade Diamond. Her drug transporting and trafficking days were now substituted by her inner gangster, and her re-born mobbing mannerism. If Lindsay preconceived Passive as some...
Shady is as shady does, and the shadiest of them all is still the monomaniacal ether of the West- steaming and beaming from Lindsay Chambers. Lindsay ...
The righteous is still in vain as everything shady reigns. Passive's and Smoke's origins are still being haunted and slayed by the queen of the damned Lindsay Chambers. A grown woman's game has metamorphosed into child's play and a steady bloodline's grudge. Omani Mitchell's sanity is admissable now that her daughter went from being a newborn to a hostage. The only loyalty that survived her new mind frame is the loyalty to her daughter and her baby's father. Everyone else is on her hit list, and no one had better interrupt or intrude on her reprisal or else they will be found dead. Passive is...
The righteous is still in vain as everything shady reigns. Passive's and Smoke's origins are still being haunted and slayed by the queen of the damned...
When the mirrors of sobriety are illuminated off of Chisel Simmons's alcoholic lifestyle, Chisel resembles a chipped piece of broken glass. His callous words, his heinous actions and counteractions are sharper then a razor and they cut skin-deep. He treats liquor like a lifeline, and women like secondary colors. Liquid is his first love and there's nothing that life or a bitch can do about it or so he thought. With his women allies on the rise, the preliminary stages of Chisel's dsyfunctional life begin with a simple fire. A simple fire that might go unsolved because the police force in his...
When the mirrors of sobriety are illuminated off of Chisel Simmons's alcoholic lifestyle, Chisel resembles a chipped piece of broken glass. His callou...
SDM Magazine Issue #10 2016 featuring Black Lion Society, Seven The General, Jazz Da Goldenchild, Paul Johnson Jr., Annetta Hobson, Hog Head Gnote, Ladii Jay and Wojie .
SDM Magazine Issue #10 2016 featuring Black Lion Society, Seven The General, Jazz Da Goldenchild, Paul Johnson Jr., Annetta Hobson, Hog Head Gnote, La...
SDM Magazine Issue #12 2017 featuring King Dillon, P Dot, Charlie B. Keyz, Philly Pal, 7 Mile Radio, NO'EL Snyder, Sarah Appleb, Lasuria "Kandi" Allman and ToySoulja Lagoon
SDM Magazine Issue #12 2017 featuring King Dillon, P Dot, Charlie B. Keyz, Philly Pal, 7 Mile Radio, NO'EL Snyder, Sarah Appleb, Lasuria "Kandi" Allma...