The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) has conducted a study of the racial achievement gap, accountability, and remediation issues in elementary and secondary education. On January 8, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), resulting in the most significant federal education reform package in the last decade. The recommendations in this report are all intended to help school systems implement the requirements of NCLB in ways that will provide the maximum benefit to low-income, minority, limited English proficiency (LEP), and disabled students.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) has conducted a study of the racial achievement gap, accountability, and remediation issues in elemen...
Federal Labor Relations Authority Office of the General Counsel Penny Hill Press
The Litigation Manual provides information on prosecuting unfair labor practice cases under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (the Statute). The Litigation Manual has been prepared by the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), Office of the General Counsel (OGC) pursuant to section 7104(f) of the Statute. The Litigation Manual is intended to provide a resource tool for Regional Office employees when litigating unfair labor practice complaints under the Statute. The Manual covers each aspect of the trial process-from the issuance of a complaint and notice of hearing and...
The Litigation Manual provides information on prosecuting unfair labor practice cases under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute (th...
The Guide emphasizes techniques of conducting the hearing and developing a complete record. It is designed only to provide procedural and operational guidance to the Agency's staff and is not intended to be a compendium of substantive or procedural law, nor a substitute for knowledge of the law. Similarly, the Guide does not constitute rulings or directives of the Board or the General Counsel, and is not a form of authority binding on either the Board or General Counsel. This Guide is a checklist of steps to be considered and techniques available for utilization by the hearing officer in...
The Guide emphasizes techniques of conducting the hearing and developing a complete record. It is designed only to provide procedural and operational ...