Josh Resnik is a happy fourth grader living with his loving parents and adorable new dog. Shortly after his tenth birthday, however, events take place in Josh's life that will cause him to face difficult questions and even more difficult answers. Thanks to the support and love from his family and friends, Josh quickly learns that, even when life's events turn tragic, he is never alone. The Popsicle Split, a novel for young readers by Dylan Siegman and Larry Dachslager, uses humor, heart, and sensitivity to tell the story of a young boy working through one of life's most heart-breaking...
Josh Resnik is a happy fourth grader living with his loving parents and adorable new dog. Shortly after his tenth birthday, however, events take place...
Five-year-old Zach is perfectly content with the daily routine he shares with his parents and his smarter-than-average dog, Ed. When his mother announces that there is to be a new change to his daily schedule, Zach gets worried. What adventures will his new routine have in store for him? With Ed's help, Zach learns the answer - and much more.
Five-year-old Zach is perfectly content with the daily routine he shares with his parents and his smarter-than-average dog, Ed. When his mother announ...