Una Guia Practica Para la conciencia de la Meditacion de la Respiracion y Sabiduria Tranquila basado en las ensenanzas reales del Anapanasati Sutta."
Una Guia Practica Para la conciencia de la Meditacion de la Respiracion y Sabiduria Tranquila basado en las ensenanzas reales del Anapanasati Sutta."
A practical guide and map to the Anapanasati Sutta and Loving-Kindness Meditation (the Brahmaviharas). A new look at the practice of Mindfulness as it is taught only from the sutta texts of the Majjhima Nikaya. Bhante Vimalaramsi has found a step in the practice that has been left out.
After 20 years of meditation practice with teachers in Burma, not satisfied, Bhante went to a cave and spent three months, with a cobra for company, and studied the original texts and practiced. Amazing and very different results arose for him. He was stunned to go deeper faster than he had ever...
A practical guide and map to the Anapanasati Sutta and Loving-Kindness Meditation (the Brahmaviharas). A new look at the practice of Mindfulne...
In this booklet are the beginning instructions for Metta or Loving-kindness Meditation, as part of the 'Practice of the Brahmaviharas.' Bhante Vimalaramsi calls this Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation or TWIM for short. This is the practice described in earliest Buddhist teachings that the Buddha gave the monks to attain Nibbana.
The way Bhante teaches this meditation practice yields very fast results. The warm, happy feeling of Loving-kindness, and the 6Rs practice system Bhante has discovered based on right-effort, gives you deep and profound states of meditation in only...
In this booklet are the beginning instructions for Metta or Loving-kindness Meditation, as part of the 'Practice of the Brahmaviharas.' Bhante...
En esta guia encontraras las instrucciones para la practica de la meditacion Metta o del Amor Benevolente. Es practicada como parte de la practica completa de los cuatro Brahmaviharas. A esta practica la hemos denominado Meditacion Introspectiva de la Sabiduria Tranquila (T.W.I.M. en ingles) Durante mas de 20 anos, Bhante Vimalaramsi investigo y practico diversas tecnicas de meditacion, pero el resultado nunca llego a satisfacerle. Finalmente decidio volver a las escrituras budistas mas antiguas y fue ahi en donde encontro finalmente lo que buscaba. El metodo de practica de las 6 Erres de...
En esta guia encontraras las instrucciones para la practica de la meditacion Metta o del Amor Benevolente. Es practicada como parte de la practica com...
Dieses Handbuch enthalt Anleitungen zur Metta- oder Liebenden-Gute-Meditation. Metta-Meditation beinhaltet, Sati bei Liebender Gute zu praktizieren. Sie ist ein Teil der zum Erwachen fuhrenden Brahmavihara-Praxis. Wir nennen sie Ruhige Weisheitsmeditation. Uber 20 Jahre hat Bhante Vimalaramsi viele Meditationsmethoden erforscht und praktiziert. Wirkliche Befriedigung hat er darin jedoch nicht gefunden. Als er sich dann den fruhesten, buddhistischen Texten zuwandte, fand er endlich, was er so lange gesucht hatte. Bhantes Meditationsmethode der 6Rs beruht auf Bhuddhas Lehre des Rechten...
Dieses Handbuch enthalt Anleitungen zur Metta- oder Liebenden-Gute-Meditation. Metta-Meditation beinhaltet, Sati bei Liebender Gute zu praktizieren. S...
Translated into Russian Language -Guide to TWIM In this booklet are the instructions for Metta and the Practice of the Brahma Viharas which is based on the earliest Buddhist suttas and they DO say right there, that if practice correctly, they will lead you to the supreme goal of Nibbana in this lifetime. Bhante guides you with detailed instructions during this meditation. He suggests you radiate Lovingkindness (Metta) to yourself for 5-10 minutes and the balance of your sitting to a Spiritual Friend. He gives you a method called the "6R's" to effectively let go of hindrances. For over 40...
Translated into Russian Language -Guide to TWIM In this booklet are the instructions for Metta and the Practice of the Brahma Viharas which is based o...