Play awesome number bingo, make chocolate crispy cakes with the ingredient ratios, build a 3D pyramid, create your own unique tessellation masterpiece, and much more!With over 30 fantastic activities, extraordinary facts and stats and cool illustrations, this amazing STEM book will inspire you to become a top-notch number cruncher.
Play awesome number bingo, make chocolate crispy cakes with the ingredient ratios, build a 3D pyramid, create your own unique tessellation masterpiece...
A timely and essential guide that examines our long-held fascination with the sun, from ancient beliefs, to early scientific studies, right up to our present-day understanding, taking the lay reader on an absorbing and thrilling journey to the centre of our solar system.
A timely and essential guide that examines our long-held fascination with the sun, from ancient beliefs, to early scientific studies, right up to our ...