"S On The Way" is a manga that tells the story of S, a young man, on a special journey from his home planet 'Star X' to the mirror planet, 'the Earth.' The people on the two planets look identical but are unique in the way that they have developed in response to their specific environment and circumstance. What will happen on S's adventure?
"S On The Way" is a manga that tells the story of S, a young man, on a special journey from his home planet 'Star X' to the mirror planet, 'the Earth....
Analyzing contemporary Chinese literature, film, and television, Shen shows the significance of nationalism for the mass imagination in post-socialist China. Chapters move from the intellectual idealism of the 1980s, through the post-Tiananmen transition, to the national cinema of the 1990s, and finally to the Internet literature of today.
Analyzing contemporary Chinese literature, film, and television, Shen shows the significance of nationalism for the mass imagination in post-socialist...