"A Quarter After" is the first in a series of thrilling stories based in the small community of Apple Acres Valley. Just as in any small town, the people are an integral part of both their own stories and those of everyone else, intertwined in ways that some wish to remember and others wish to forget. Don't miss out on the other books in the series, Stalking Signs, and Thirty-Seven Minutes.
"A Quarter After" is the first in a series of thrilling stories based in the small community of Apple Acres Valley. Just as in any small town, the peo...
"A Quarter After" is the first in a series of thrilling stories based in the small community of Apple Acres Valley. Just as in any small town, the people are an integral part of both their own stories and those of everyone else, intertwined in ways that some wish to remember and others wish to forget.
"A Quarter After" is the first in a series of thrilling stories based in the small community of Apple Acres Valley. Just as in any small town, the peo...
"Stalking Signs" is the second book in the Apple Acres Valley series. In this story Stacy, a housewife and mom, struggles with obsession and anger deeply rooted behind the thorny past.
"Stalking Signs" is the second book in the Apple Acres Valley series. In this story Stacy, a housewife and mom, struggles with obsession and anger dee...
Thirty-Seven Minutes, the third book in the Apple Acres Valley Series, features Jackson, a young man encapsulated in a world of numbers and precision. Find out what happens when he comes face to face with a sequence he can't identify.
Thirty-Seven Minutes, the third book in the Apple Acres Valley Series, features Jackson, a young man encapsulated in a world of numbers and precision....