The proper punishment for the Hohenzollerns, and the Hapsburgs, and the Mecklenburgs, and the Muckendorfs, and all such puppets and princelings, is that they should be made to work; and not made to work in the glittering and glorious sense, as generals and chiefs of staff, and legislators, and land-barons, but in the plain and humble part of laborers looking for a job.
The proper punishment for the Hohenzollerns, and the Hapsburgs, and the Mecklenburgs, and the Muckendorfs, and all such puppets and princelings, is th...
Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited ( as a Public Domain Book, if you have any inquiries, requests or need any help you can just send an email to This book is found as a public domain and free book based on various online catalogs, if you think there are any problems regard copyright issues please contact us immediately via
Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited ( as a Public Domain Book, if you have any inquiries, requests or n...
Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited ( as a Public Domain Book, if you have any inquiries, requests or need any help you can just send an email to This book is found as a public domain and free book based on various online catalogs, if you think there are any problems regard copyright issues please contact us immediately via
Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited ( as a Public Domain Book, if you have any inquiries, requests or n...
Yeine Darr je vyvrženec z barbarského severu. Když její matka za záhadných okolností zemře, je dívka povolána do velkolepého města zvaného Nebe. Teprve tam zjistí, že je jmenována dědičkou krále. Náhle se ocitá ve středu nemilosrdného boje o moc a je postavena proti příbuzným, o jejichž existenci do té doby netušila. Bojuje o svůj život a přitom je čím dál hlouběji vtahována do tajemství halícího matčinu smrt a do krvavé historie vladařské rodiny, jíž se stala součástí. Románový debut mladé autorky se okamžitě dočkal bouřlivého...
Yeine Darr je vyvrženec z barbarského severu. Když její matka za záhadných okolností zemře, je dívka povolána do velkolepého města zvanéh...
The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice by Stephen Leacock. This book is a reproduction of the original book published in 1920 and may have some imperfections such as marks or hand-written notes.
The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice by Stephen Leacock. This book is a reproduction of the original book published in 1920 and may have some imperfe...
Stephen P. H Butler Leacock, FRSC (30 December 1869 - 28 March 1944) was a Canadian teacher, political scientist, writer, and humourist. Between the years 1910 and 1925, he was the most widely read English-speaking author in the world. He is known for his light humour along with criticisms of people's follies. The Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour was named in his honour.Stephen Leacock was born in Swanmore, a village near Southampton in southern England. He was the third of the eleven children born to Walter, Peter Leacock (b.1834), who was born and grew up at Oak Hill on the Isle of...
Stephen P. H Butler Leacock, FRSC (30 December 1869 - 28 March 1944) was a Canadian teacher, political scientist, writer, and humourist. Between the y...
A collection containing a parody on Problem Plays, as well as humorous anecdotes from Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock. Extract: The curtain rises, disclosing the ushers of the theater still moving up and down the aisles. Cries of "Program " "Program " are heard. There is a buzz of brilliant conversation, illuminated with flashes of opera glasses and the rattle of expensive jewelry. Then suddenly, almost unexpectedly, in fact just as if done, so to speak, by machinery, the lights all over the theater, except on the stage, are extinguished. Absolute silence falls. Here and there is heard the...
A collection containing a parody on Problem Plays, as well as humorous anecdotes from Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock. Extract: The curtain rises, ...