A magical fairy tale adventure for children ages 5 to 10. Sophie is an ordinary 10-year-old schoolgirl who goes on a mythical quest to find a Unicorn's missing wings. With the help of her imaginary friend Guinevere, they travel through a portal under Sophie's bed to a magical land. There, they meet Vera (an alien girl with one eye) and LaLa (a giant female squirrel) who help the girls face 5 challenges and collect 5 gold keys. Only one of these keys will open the treasure chest that holds the Unicorn's wings. But the treasure chest is guarded by a wicked witch, at the top of a tall tower who...
A magical fairy tale adventure for children ages 5 to 10. Sophie is an ordinary 10-year-old schoolgirl who goes on a mythical quest to find a Unicorn'...