"Journey Reflections" is a collection of newspaper articles written by Pastor Dan Eaton for the Delphos Herald in his "Those Were The Days" column. The stories contain humor and inspiration about events that have happened from his childhood to the present. They are reflections of the journey of two lives joined by the heart of God. Dan and his wife, Janie, serve as pastors of Delphos First Assembly in Delphos, Ohio.
"Journey Reflections" is a collection of newspaper articles written by Pastor Dan Eaton for the Delphos Herald in his "Those Were The Days" column. Th...
The purpose of the book is to help others pursue their God-given dreams. The author shares information from a variety of resources; his life experience, sermons, etc. The book encourages people to overcome the obstacles that can prevent them from continuing to chase their dream and walking in destiny.
The purpose of the book is to help others pursue their God-given dreams. The author shares information from a variety of resources; his life experienc...