Brent Grover's latest book on the wholesale distribution industry, The Little Black Book of Strategic Planning for Distributors, is published by Modern Distribution Management. This is a concise book covering the critical pieces of creating a strategic plan for a wholesale distribution company including case studies, exhibits and end-of-chapter questions for your management team. These days, companies are almost always focused on the Now. And the recent recession exacerbated that tendency. Industry expert Brent Grover's latest book will help you shift that mindset. The insights in The Little...
Brent Grover's latest book on the wholesale distribution industry, The Little Black Book of Strategic Planning for Distributors, is published by Moder...
Wholesale distribution companies will find themselves at a serious disadvantage if they don't have the correct digital marketing essentials in place. In today's market of instant gratification and instant delivery of information, if you cannot provide the information that your customer needs, or answers to questions that a prospect is asking, expect to find yourself left in the dust. Whether someone is looking to purchase your product, or would like to learn more about your company, or perhaps they need some industry-specific information that doesn't relate directly to your product or your...
Wholesale distribution companies will find themselves at a serious disadvantage if they don't have the correct digital marketing essentials in place. ...