Following in the tradition of Kristen Ashley, Joanna Wilde, and Jay Crownover, this first novel in a sexy, dark New Adult series tells the thrilling story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to a Southern motorcycle club's inner circle--and a dangerously hot biker.
Aubrey Evans needs to get her life back on track after her father is indicted for embezzlement. She'll save college tuition money, hightail it out of small-town Tennessee, and steer clear of hard-muscled boys on motorcycles. Yet there's no ignoring someone like Zion. A knight in black leather, Zion looks like every...
Following in the tradition of Kristen Ashley, Joanna Wilde, and Jay Crownover, this first novel in a sexy, dark New Adult series tells the thrillin...
The second novel in Ronnie Douglas' sexy Southern Wolves motorcycle club series--reminiscent of Kristen Ashley and Jay Crownover--tells the story of an aspiring fashion designer and a biker who discover a desire that knows no limits.
When the daughter of one of the Southern Wolves gets a flat in the middle of a thunderstorm, there's only one thing to do--strip down to her underwear and get a little muddy. But when Alamo, the sexy biker shows up to rescue Ellen yet again, things are bound to get a whole lot dirtier.
Between the trouble he left behind and club rules, Alamo knows...
The second novel in Ronnie Douglas' sexy Southern Wolves motorcycle club series--reminiscent of Kristen Ashley and Jay Crownover--tells the story o...