U. S. Department of Homelan Federal Emergency Management Agency
There are no guarantees of safety during earthquakes, but properly constructed and strengthened homes are far less likely to collapse or be damaged during earthquakes. FEMA advises you to act on the suggestions outlined in this booklet and make yourself, your family, and your home safer.
There are no guarantees of safety during earthquakes, but properly constructed and strengthened homes are far less likely to collapse or be damaged du...
U. S. Department of Homelan Office Of Immigration Statistics
Statistical data on immigration have been published annually by the U.S. government since the 1860s. Over the years, the federal agencies responsible for reporting on immigration have changed, as have the content, format, and title of the annual publication. Currently, immigration data are published in the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics by the Office of Immigration Statistics in the Policy Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security. The 2014 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics consists of a compendium of tables organized by subject matter, including: Lawful Permanent Residents...
Statistical data on immigration have been published annually by the U.S. government since the 1860s. Over the years, the federal agencies responsible ...