Self-Publishing - BookJumping is a guidebook that demonstrates a new book format where real live characters such as a mother and child "jump" into the book and become part of the story. If you are self publishing books, or self publishing Kindle, self publishing on Amazon then you will be totally amazed at this new book format. Let's face it; an indie author needs all of the self publishing tips and tricks available to make a successful living. BookJumping can be accomplished by any author and all of the resources necessary are contained in this guidebook. The book comes complete with a...
Self-Publishing - BookJumping is a guidebook that demonstrates a new book format where real live characters such as a mother and child "jump" into the...
Parenting - Child Rearing Blueprint is a compendium of child rearing information written by one of the leading behavioral scientists in the nation. Dr. Treat Preston delves into the topic of parenting, child rearing, child rearing books, child rearing non fiction, child discipline, what is child rearing, child rearing styles, and much more. He leaves no stone unturned and gives parents concise information to consider in deciding the best ways to raise their children. In today's world, there are so many more things to consider that simply didn't affect our generation when we were growing up....
Parenting - Child Rearing Blueprint is a compendium of child rearing information written by one of the leading behavioral scientists in the nation. Dr...
How To Cope with Male Menopause - The Andropause Mystery Revealed is all about the controversial subject of male menopause or "andropause." It discusses in detail what is male menopause, male menopause symptoms, male menopause treatment, andropause, HRT or hormone replacement therapy, and hormone imbalance. Women may not be the only ones who suffer the effects of changing hormones. Some doctors are noticing that men are reporting some of the same symptoms that women experience in perimenopause and menopause. The medical community is debating whether or not men really do go through a...
How To Cope with Male Menopause - The Andropause Mystery Revealed is all about the controversial subject of male menopause or "andropause." It discuss...
How To Create, Market & Sell Videobooks: Every Author Should Get In On This Amazing Book Format is one of the best Advice & How To books designed to teach you step-by-step everything that is necessary to create, market & sell videobooks. It includes videobook production, videobook narration, where to sell your videobooks and comes complete with every resource you will need and these resources are tried and proven too. Videobooks is without a doubt the most profitable book format in existence today. Statistics show that readers prefer video over any other book format but not all book genres...
How To Create, Market & Sell Videobooks: Every Author Should Get In On This Amazing Book Format is one of the best Advice & How To books designed to t...