If you've ever wanted to understand the Word of God, but a lot of it makes no sense to you; If you've ever wondered what God's purpose for your life is, but it seems as if there's been no sure direction; And if what you've heard has left you empty, hungry, and with unanswered questions; Then this could be what you've been looking for. "The Prize Unfolding" was written to address some of Christianity's teachings, such as God's purposes with the heavens and the earth, and with men and angels. It also looks at the ideas that are taught about the end times, and whether they line up with His Word....
If you've ever wanted to understand the Word of God, but a lot of it makes no sense to you; If you've ever wondered what God's purpose for your life i...
This book, "Glory In The Wilderness, Volume 1," is the first of a two volume set that begins to take a detailed look at the tabernacle that was shown to Moses upon Mount Sinai. There are a number of books available on this subject; but many of them only briefly cover it. However, within these pages, the author brings to light what the Lord is saying to us today through all of the details of the structure. To understand the patterns revealed through the tabernacle will be a key to understanding the Word of God and His purposes.
This book, "Glory In The Wilderness, Volume 1," is the first of a two volume set that begins to take a detailed look at the tabernacle that was shown ...
In the first volume of "A Trumpet In The Time Of Trouble," the Lord commissioned Ezekiel to go to the children of Israel who were in captivity in Babylon, and to announce that judgment was going to come upon their brethren who were still dwelling in Jerusalem. In the second volume, Ezekiel was taken in the spirit to the temple, where he witnessed what was actually happening. And it's through these prophecies, continued in this volume, that the Lord is speaking to His people of today. He's letting us all know that we need to awake from our spiritual slumber, and prepare ourselves for a time...
In the first volume of "A Trumpet In The Time Of Trouble," the Lord commissioned Ezekiel to go to the children of Israel who were in captivity in Baby...
There are a number of books on the market which look at the prophecies of Ezekiel, and they all have their place and value. However, if you've read the previous three volumes of "A Trumpet In The Time Of Trouble," you've probably noticed just how extensive the writings of the prophet can be. And, though the proph-ecies were written some 2600 years ago, and to the natural Jews, as well as to the other nations of those days, still, God's inspired Word speaks to us today. True: the word is harsh, and there are far too many of God's people today who refuse to hearken to it, just as there were in...
There are a number of books on the market which look at the prophecies of Ezekiel, and they all have their place and value. However, if you've read th...
This book actually started as a message that I was preparing to speak on during one of our meetings. As I looked at it, and tried to touch upon the key points, I soon realized that a message was insufficient to do justice to the subject. The primary focus of this is that every believer, and, in reality, every person, is a prism. By that, I mean that every person manifests what is in them through their words and actions, just as a prism manifests what is in the light that shines through it. This book is intended to cause the reader to consider what they're manifesting to others.
This book actually started as a message that I was preparing to speak on during one of our meetings. As I looked at it, and tried to touch upon the ke...