The key to the' Divine Life' is to transform the darkness within ourselves. It is essential to make peace with and then disconnect with our gods and goddesses; the source of our religions. When we've successfully done that our minds are free to experience, "Truth Consciousness." How do we do this if we are not aware of who these gods really are? Dragon Lore Decoded has illustrated these mythical beasts that symbolize the stars and constellations of the universe... yet who once existed on earth.
The key to the' Divine Life' is to transform the darkness within ourselves. It is essential to make peace with and then disconnect with our gods and g...
Ancient texts confirm that the "elder gods" or "Anunnaki" were, in fact, not the first "gods" and that a technologically advanced race of Ancient Ones pre-dated the arrival of the Anunnaki. These ancient Ones were dinosaurs from Alpha Draconis who bought their advanced civilization with them. The Anunnaki, also technologically advanced caused a nuclear war which forever altered life in the solar system. The texts also say that the "Anunnaki" produced a slave/workforce from the blood of the beheaded Kingu. Were these Anunnaki the legendary dragons or do they refer to Tiamat who ruled prior to...
Ancient texts confirm that the "elder gods" or "Anunnaki" were, in fact, not the first "gods" and that a technologically advanced race of Ancient Ones...