Very little has been written on acupuncture and the Oriental medical view of health for the lay person in recent years. Even less has been written on the training requirements which vary enormously. This unique book clarifies this situation. It introduces the Westerner to the key concepts of healthy living, wellbeing and longevity, drawing upon the ancient Chinese philosophy whose universal principles were laid down in the Nei Jing, the oldest extant medical book in the world, written 221 BCE. It brings alive and makes relevant this ancient understanding of wellbeing and health maintenance to...
Very little has been written on acupuncture and the Oriental medical view of health for the lay person in recent years. Even less has been written on ...
Very little has been written on acupuncture and the Oriental medical view of health for the lay person in recent years. Even less has been written on the training requirements which vary enormously. This unique book clarifies this situation. It introduces the Westerner to the key concepts of healthy living, wellbeing and longevity, drawing upon the ancient Chinese philosophy whose universal principles were laid down in the Nei Jing, the oldest extant medical book in the world, written 221 BCE. It brings alive and makes relevant this ancient understanding of wellbeing and health maintenance to...
Very little has been written on acupuncture and the Oriental medical view of health for the lay person in recent years. Even less has been written on ...