Sexual Suicide is an adult horror fiction based novel set in a small town in Indiana. After a horrific car accident, the effect on three young, beautiful girls turns out for the worst. As the gates of hell open up in their mind, the temptation to live, breath and kill become more of a reality when they awake from a terrible nightmare. A feud awakens when the sisters become torn apart; fighting between heaven and hell, angels and demons, and reality and imagination. The battle to fight away from the evil seems to die down while becoming possessed and provoked by the devil himself.
Sexual Suicide is an adult horror fiction based novel set in a small town in Indiana. After a horrific car accident, the effect on three young, beauti...
Since the inception of Axis Video back in 1997 by Chris Chaos and Keith Kelly they have been on the cutting edge of film, story, ideas and the subject of many controversies. "The Bloody Rise of Axis Video" tells the tales of how Chris Chaos formed the company, discusses the inside workings of Axis Video's various projects and the future of the company. Many of the triumphs and tribulations are discussed along with the tales of making films from an independent guerrilla filmmakers point of view. Photos and excerpts from the filmmaking process are also contained within. Come and read of their...
Since the inception of Axis Video back in 1997 by Chris Chaos and Keith Kelly they have been on the cutting edge of film, story, ideas and the subject...
La Morte Piu Bella is a collection of 15 horrifying, gruesome, twisted horror shorts by Chrissy McManis and Chris Chaos; Including the following: "Born in a Casket" "Already Gone" "Bugging" "Keepsake" "Scratch that" "Senseless" "Set up" "Uncovered Earth" "The Cat" "The most beautiful death" "Scared to death" "Burning...Desire" "Misunderstood" "Kill..Kill" "Bad News"
La Morte Piu Bella is a collection of 15 horrifying, gruesome, twisted horror shorts by Chrissy McManis and Chris Chaos; Including the following: "Bor...