SOUTHERN Independence has struck the lyre as well as unsheathed the sword. That it has inspired many a song no less truly poetical than intensely patriotic, our newspapers amply testify. But the newspaper can give only an ephemeral life to "thoughts that breathe and words that burn." The book embalms if it does not immortalize. A few years ago, when an attempt was made to collect the ballads and songs of the Revolution of '76, much regret was occasioned by the fact that many admirable ones had been but partially preserved by tradition, and that others, perhaps, of equal merit, had been...
SOUTHERN Independence has struck the lyre as well as unsheathed the sword. That it has inspired many a song no less truly poetical than intensely patr...
SOUTHERN Independence has struck the lyre as well as unsheathed the sword. That it has inspired many a song no less truly poetical than intensely patriotic, our newspapers amply testify. But the newspaper can give only an ephemeral life to "thoughts that breathe and words that burn." The book embalms if it does not immortalize. A few years ago, when an attempt was made to collect the ballads and songs of the Revolution of '76, much regret was a occasioned by the fact that many admirable ones had been but partially preserved by tradition, and that others, perhaps, of equal merit, had been...
SOUTHERN Independence has struck the lyre as well as unsheathed the sword. That it has inspired many a song no less truly poetical than intensely patr...