MCC is managed by a chief executive officer, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and is overseen by a Board of Directors. The Secretary of State serves as board chair and the Secretary of the Treasury as vice-chair. Other board members are the U.S. Trade Representative, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Chief Executive Officer of MCC, and up to four Senate-confirmed nongovernmental members appointed by the President from lists of individuals submitted by congressional leadership. MCC's model of providing foreign aid is...
MCC is managed by a chief executive officer, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and is overseen by a Board of Direc...
Specifically, our reporting objectives were to examine (1) the progress PHAs made in spending their grant funds, what is known about how funds were used, and the actions HUD and PHAs took to help ensure that recipients spent their grants on time and for intended purposes; (2) the progress state HFAs made in disbursing funds, what is known about how funds were used, and the actions Treasury and others took to ensure that recipients disbursed funds on time and for intended purposes; and (3) the quality of job estimates reported by Recovery Act recipients, including housing grant recipients.
Specifically, our reporting objectives were to examine (1) the progress PHAs made in spending their grant funds, what is known about how funds were us...
Long-term services and supports (LTSS) include many types of health and health-related services for individuals of all ages who have limited ability to care for themselves because of physical, cognitive, or mental disabilities or conditions. Individuals needing LTSS have varying degrees of difficulty performing activities of daily living (ADL), such as bathing, dressing, toileting, and eating, without assistance.
Long-term services and supports (LTSS) include many types of health and health-related services for individuals of all ages who have limited ability t...
Our objective was to determine whether HUD's 2011 expenditure plan satisfied the statutory conditions. On March 27, 2012, we provided your offices with briefing slides and met with your staff to discuss the results of our review. The purpose of this report is to provide the published briefing slides to you and to officially transmit our study's results to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Our objective was to determine whether HUD's 2011 expenditure plan satisfied the statutory conditions. On March 27, 2012, we provided your offices wit...
Under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), employers are permitted to sponsor two broad categories of pension plans. They are (1) defined benefit plans-in which employers generally maintain a fund to provide a fixed level of monthly retirement income based on a formula specified in the plan-or (2) defined contribution plans-in which retirement income is based on employer and employee contributions and the performance of investments in individual employee accounts. 6 These experts included a representative of a pension consumer rights organization; a...
Under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), employers are permitted to sponsor two broad categories of pension plans...
This volume supersedes the Third Edition's web based Index/Table of Authorities (Index/TOA), 2006. On August 6, 2010, the web versions of the Third Edition of the Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, Volumes I, II and III, were reposted to include updated active electronic links to GAO decisions. Additionally, the Third Edition's web based Index/TOA was replaced by an Index/TOA that incorporated information from Volume I, II and III. These four documents can be used independently or interactively. To use the documents interactively, click on http: //
This volume supersedes the Third Edition's web based Index/Table of Authorities (Index/TOA), 2006. On August 6, 2010, the web versions of the Third Ed...
This is Volume II of Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, third edition. As we explained in the Foreword to the third edition of Volume I, publication of this volume continues our process of revising and updating the second edition of the "Red Book" and reissuing it in what will ultimately be a 3-volume looseleaf set with cumulative annual updates. This volume and all other volumes of Principles, including the annual updates, are available on GAO's Web site ( under "Legal Products." The annual updates are only available online. The online updated versions contain hyperlinks...
This is Volume II of Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, third edition. As we explained in the Foreword to the third edition of Volume I, public...
Oversight of nursing homes is a shared federal-state responsibility. Based on statutory requirements, CMS defines standards that nursing homes must meet to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and contracts with state survey agencies to assess whether homes meet these standards. A range of statutorily defined sanctions is available to CMS and the states to help ensure that homes maintain compliance with federal quality requirements. CMS also is responsible for monitoring the adequacy of state survey activities.
Oversight of nursing homes is a shared federal-state responsibility. Based on statutory requirements, CMS defines standards that nursing homes must me...
The Military Whistleblower Protection Act of 1988, as amended, and its implementing directive, Department of Defense Directive 7050.06,11 establish the basic concepts and framework for the investigative process and establish the roles and responsibilities of the various affected organizations.
The Military Whistleblower Protection Act of 1988, as amended, and its implementing directive, Department of Defense Directive 7050.06,11 establish th...
USPS has a vast mail processing network consisting of multiple facilities with different functions, as shown in figure 2. In fiscal year 2011, according to USPS, it had a nationwide mail processing network that included 461 facilities, 154,325 full-time employees, and about 8,000 pieces of mail processing equipment. This network transports mail from where it is entered into USPS's network, sorts it for carriers to deliver, and distributes it to a location near its destination in accordance with specific delivery standards.
USPS has a vast mail processing network consisting of multiple facilities with different functions, as shown in figure 2. In fiscal year 2011, accordi...