An intriguing and tantalising journey, which grips you by the throat without mercy This is a fascinating voyage exploring the dark, yet beautiful characteristics of love and betrayal, trust and revenge and the dynamics of friendship and family loyalty. This trip into the mysterious world of demons and the damned will have you laughing one moment and gasping in terror the next. This absorbing battle between the forces of good and evil, culminating in one of the bloodiest conflicts encountered will give you all the cliches, twists and turns expected from a great vampire novel; but who is good...
An intriguing and tantalising journey, which grips you by the throat without mercy This is a fascinating voyage exploring the dark, yet beautiful cha...
This is the second book of the Communicator / Vampire Chronicles, that follows the dark tales of Ann-Marie and her vampire friends. Revenge is on Christian's mind and death will stalk all those who try to stop him. The Qareen have intervened and a war is about to ensue.
This is the second book of the Communicator / Vampire Chronicles, that follows the dark tales of Ann-Marie and her vampire friends. Revenge is on Chri...
The dark third volume of the trials of Ann-Marie and her companions, both mortal and immortal. Christian's dark vengeance and sinister cunning mind has brought him power and riches and he means to bring down the any cost... casting us all into hell itself.
The dark third volume of the trials of Ann-Marie and her companions, both mortal and immortal. Christian's dark vengeance and sinister cunning mind ha...