If time is money, then being lean is both. Thanks to mega retailers worldwide, lean principles have rapidly spread to a variety of different manufacturers, such as consumer foods, apparel and food/beverage. Over the past few years, these retailers have dramatically changed how they do business in order to stay competitive in the marketplace. How products are ordered, how inventory is moved throughout distribution centers and barcodes vs. RFID technology for inventory management have all been taken into consideration in order to work as swiftly and efficiently as possible. While lean thinking...
If time is money, then being lean is both. Thanks to mega retailers worldwide, lean principles have rapidly spread to a variety of different manufactu...
Lean business principles lead to processes that minimize waste in delivering products or services to end users. A popular misconception is that lean is suited only for manufacturing. Not true. Lean applies in every business and every process. It is not a tactic or a cost reduction program, but a way of thinking and acting for an entire organisation. Businesses in all industries and services; including healthcare and governments are using lean principles as the way they think and do. From the standpoint of lean thinking, value begins and ends with the customer. Customers require a particular...
Lean business principles lead to processes that minimize waste in delivering products or services to end users. A popular misconception is that lean i...
Lean core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. "More for less" Lean has a very extensive collection of tools and concepts. In this book we discussed the importance of these tools and our understanding of what they are and how they can help. This is an excellent way to get you started on your Lean Journey. We dedicated a chapter per tool; with a brief description and short explanation of how each tool can improve your business. If a tool captures your interest or resonates with you in some way;...
Lean core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. "More ...
In these incredibly tough budget times, you would think government agencies would be working extra hard to find ways of doing things more efficiently. Unfortunately, leaders across the world are grabbing the same old playbook; recruitment freezes, travel restrictions, delaying maintenance and so on. They are not examining the actual work being done; the operations are fundamentally the same. Instead, they are left with tired, overworked employees trying to do the same operations with fewer resources. This approach creates an illusion of efficiency. Real efficiency is about looking at the...
In these incredibly tough budget times, you would think government agencies would be working extra hard to find ways of doing things more efficiently....
Supply Chain optimization is a topic of increasing interest today, whether the main intention is to maximize the efficiency of one's global supply chain system or to pro-actively make it greener. There are many changes that can be made to improve the performance of a supply chain, ranging from where materials are purchased, the types of materials purchased, how those materials get to you, how your products are distributed, and many more. An additional question on the mind of some decision makers is. Can I minimize my environmental footprint and improve my profits at the same time?
Supply Chain optimization is a topic of increasing interest today, whether the main intention is to maximize the efficiency of one's global supply cha...
Lean Sustainable Supply Chain Management. It's More Than Just Being Green. In today's business environment, companies are being held accountable to a growing list of stakeholders who assess company performance against a variety of criteria, from financial and operational performance to labour practices and environmental issues. The pressure for greater transparency in all areas of performance is increasing; not only for consumer-facing companies, but for all business entities throughout the supply chain; including manufacturers who are several steps removed from the ultimate consumer.
Lean Sustainable Supply Chain Management. It's More Than Just Being Green. In today's business environment, companies are being held accountable to a ...
Entering into a joint venture is a major decision. This book gives an overview of the main ways you can set up a joint venture, the advantages and disadvantages of doing so, how to assess if you are ready to commit, what to look for in a joint venture partner and how to make it work.
Entering into a joint venture is a major decision. This book gives an overview of the main ways you can set up a joint venture, the advantages and dis...
In general, companies decide to begin franchising for one of three reasons; lack of money, people or time. Opening your own franchise business is a BIG step for those who choose the venture and it can be somewhat intimidating. The franchise marketplace is filled with innumerable franchise systems over a vast range of industries. This book looks at giving anyone taking on the challenge and adventure that comes with opening a franchise business a step-by-step overview of the major stages along the way.
In general, companies decide to begin franchising for one of three reasons; lack of money, people or time. Opening your own franchise business is a BI...