This Guide contains twenty complete wedding ceremonies that can be used by a pastor (or other officiant) to perform a wedding that will be remembered by all who participate. They are all written from a Christian perspective. You can use these ceremonies "as is" or mix and match them to suit your particular needs. Also included are samples of wedding vows that can be used with any of the included ceremonies. These wedding ceremonies and vows have been compiled from various sources throughout the years, then edited and rewritten to fit the editor's style. No originality is claimed.
This Guide contains twenty complete wedding ceremonies that can be used by a pastor (or other officiant) to perform a wedding that will be remembered ...
Do you have questions about eternal life? How is it obtained? Is it something that can be known for sure? What is Heaven like? These are a few of the many penetrating questions answered in "A Life that Lasts Forever: God's Gift of Eternal Life." This ground- breaking book about Eternal Life will change the way you think, live, and act. It will give you the confidence to know without any doubt that God has prepared a place for you in Heaven if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. And best of all, it is completely based on what God has revealed in His Word, the Bible.
Do you have questions about eternal life? How is it obtained? Is it something that can be known for sure? What is Heaven like? These are a few of the ...
God-Driven Leadership is a call to follow God's direction, given to us clearly in His Word, in every aspect of life and ministry. The Christian leader is challenged to view the current state of church affairs, his faith in God's ability to act, and his own personal life in view of what God has unmistakably directed in the Bible. The reader who accepts this challenge and applies the truths herein to his life will see great benefit both in this life and the life to come. God asks for nothing less than our whole selves devoted entirely to Him and His cause if we are to lead His Church through...
God-Driven Leadership is a call to follow God's direction, given to us clearly in His Word, in every aspect of life and ministry. The Christian leader...
Having spent two and a half decades preparing sermons for preaching to congregations hungry for a Word from God, I know how difficult it can be to come up with something new, relevant, and Bible-centered week after week. This is especially true when it comes to the Holidays. How many times can we preach the same old story in a way that not only captivates our audience, but motivates them to reflect on what was said and take action based on what they have heard? One of the best ways that I have discovered is to view the major Holidays as a good time for a sermon series, rather than an...
Having spent two and a half decades preparing sermons for preaching to congregations hungry for a Word from God, I know how difficult it can be to com...
Annual Sermon Starters Volume 1 contains 52 detailed Sermon Outlines, complete with Introduction, Main Points, and Scripture References. These messages are divided into relevant series and include sermon starters for all the major Holidays. These Sermon Starters come from the highly popular monthly subscription service for ministers. We have put together the main structure of the sermon, now it is up to you to research, edit, and develop these into your own messages.
Annual Sermon Starters Volume 1 contains 52 detailed Sermon Outlines, complete with Introduction, Main Points, and Scripture References. These message...