In this thrilling novella set after the events of "Fracture the Spider's Web," darker things lurk outside the city. Before Ave and Elliot met the three siblings in a series of events that would change everything, they operated a superhuman detective business. Finally, with the first break they've had since the train wreck began, Ave and Elliot have a chance to take on new cases, and someone wants to join them. The newest mission tells of strange grinding noises and disappearing machine parts during the dark October nights of the sparsely populated oil country in rural Pennsylvania. A promise...
In this thrilling novella set after the events of "Fracture the Spider's Web," darker things lurk outside the city. Before Ave and Elliot met the thre...
In the thrilling second book to the "Marionettes of Myth" Series, even gods can be killed. The sword of Ra had finally responded to Kali's command-just in time for her to spear her sister, Solara, through the heart. Kali then bled out. Her life ended. When her eyes next opened, she was in an underground hospital, and she wasn't in possession of her own body. Toivo and Carmi can only wait under Ave and Elliot's roof, desperate for news. All they know is that Solara's body was recovered, but Kali's is missing, and the funeral for their fathers is nearing. With their family broken and...
In the thrilling second book to the "Marionettes of Myth" Series, even gods can be killed. The sword of Ra had finally responded to Kali's command-jus...
She stepped through the doors of eternal night. Now the king of the night won't let her go. Two months have passed since the collapse of the overpasses. Finally, Kali and her family-friends included-have moved into a new house to begin their lives afresh. Kali has had the chance to consider her feelings for Yuuhi-and her more intimate desires. She's survived bullets and crushing rubble, yet the question of sex still turns her bright red. But the river has been flowing silently. War trickles into the cracks of the city and floods their lives when something arrives at their doorstep that...
She stepped through the doors of eternal night. Now the king of the night won't let her go. Two months have passed since the collapse of the overpasse...