Heartwarming true story and daily adventures of a large Montana ranch family surviving the Great Depression by woman author Maxine Albro Pogreba suitable for all ages and in large print. A wonderful and easy read with historical content for young children to seniors. from the writer - "Running through the fields to school with my brothers and sisters was among my most cherished memories along with having attended all twelve grades in that small hamlet. My folks didn't let the Great Depression, drought or a bank foreclosure beat them and stood their ground against all odds and made a good life...
Heartwarming true story and daily adventures of a large Montana ranch family surviving the Great Depression by woman author Maxine Albro Pogreba suita...
True story of Vietnam Veteran and Air Force Pilot Colonel Dean "Pogie" Pogreba was shot down in 1965 near the border of Laos and Vietnam in an F-105 Thunderchief Jet and listed MIA (Missing In Action). He served in WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. In 1991, Pogreba's Military ID and Geneva Convention card were found in the Hanoi Military Museum archives but there were never any reports he was captured or a POW via the prisoners who returned. It is believed he was killed in the plane crash but his plane was never found nor his body ever recovered. Dean acquired the nickname "Pogie" via pilots and...
True story of Vietnam Veteran and Air Force Pilot Colonel Dean "Pogie" Pogreba was shot down in 1965 near the border of Laos and Vietnam in an F-105 T...
Stories of the Pogreba Family including Dean as a military combat fighter pilot in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, where he was shot down and declared missing in action in 1965. Maxine and her children moved to Colorado to start a new life. Includes photos and is in large print for all ages to enjoy.
Stories of the Pogreba Family including Dean as a military combat fighter pilot in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, where he was shot down and declare...