This special re-print edition of T.F. McGrew's book "The Feather's Wyandotte Book" contains all the information a person needs to master the basics of breeding the Wyandotte breed of Fowl. Written in 1904, included are details on raising and breeding these chickens for eggs, meat and for exhibitions. The text offers a fascinating look at how this famous chicken breed was bred, raised and exhibited in the old days. This edition printed from an early printing proof that Mr. McGrew originally presented to the New York Public Library in 1916. Note: This edition is a perfect facsimile of the...
This special re-print edition of T.F. McGrew's book "The Feather's Wyandotte Book" contains all the information a person needs to master the basics of...
This special re-print edition of T.F. McGrew's "The Feather's Plymouth Rock Book" contains a treasure trove of information on the Plymouth Rock Chickens. Written in 1905, this classic text on the Plymouth Rock contains everything a person would want to know about the history and general characteristics of the Plymouth Rocks, as well as how to breed and raise them. Chapter headings include Barred Plymouth Rocks, Advancement of the Plymouth Rocks, Standard Shape Considered, Barred Plymouth Rock Color, General Needs and Defects, White Plymouth Rocks, Buff Plymouth Rocks and Penciled Plymouth...
This special re-print edition of T.F. McGrew's "The Feather's Plymouth Rock Book" contains a treasure trove of information on the Plymouth Rock Chicke...
This special re-print edition of T.F. McGrew's "The Plymouth Rock" contains a treasure trove of information on the Plymouth Rock Chickens. Written in 1901, this classic text on the Plymouth Rock contains everything a person would want to know about the history and general characteristics of the Plymouth Rocks, as well as how to breed and raise them. Chapter headings include Family Comb Distinction, The Utility Value of the American Class, The American Dominique, The Java Fowl, Origin of the Plymouth Rock, The Barred Variety, White Plymouth Rocks, Buff Plymouth Rocks, The Pea Combed Variety,...
This special re-print edition of T.F. McGrew's "The Plymouth Rock" contains a treasure trove of information on the Plymouth Rock Chickens. Written in ...
Written in 1907, this classic reprinting of T.F. McGrew and G.E. Howard's famous work "The Perfected Poultry of America," contains over 250 pages of information devoted to the best known chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and other poultry that were raised in the United States at the turn of the last century. Over 100 breeds of poultry are treated, including many that are now rare. Lavishly illustrated with the many original black and white engravings that graced the original edition, each breed is introduced to the reader with notes on each, as well as their sub-varieties. Highly recommended....
Written in 1907, this classic reprinting of T.F. McGrew and G.E. Howard's famous work "The Perfected Poultry of America," contains over 250 pages of i...