Groucho Marx once said that 80% of success was just showing up. In a program with such lofty goals as sending a jet aircraft into orbit, one might hope to define success in more demanding terms. Yet in many ways, the National Aerospace Plane program, which originated in the early 1980s with the intention of designing and fabricating a jet aircraft that could fly fast enough to attain orbital velocity, is considered a success by many of the participants. This is a book on the hypersonic revolution that contains case studies in the history of hypersonic technology. More specifically that quest...
Groucho Marx once said that 80% of success was just showing up. In a program with such lofty goals as sending a jet aircraft into orbit, one might hop...
In Partisan Journalism: A History of Media Bias in the United States, Jim A. Kuypers guides readers on a journey through American journalistic history, focusing on the warring notions of objectivity and partisanship. Kuypers shows how the American journalistic tradition grew from partisan roots and, with only a brief period of objectivity in between, has returned to those roots today. The book begins with an overview of newspapers during Colonial times, explaining how those papers openly operated in an expressly partisan way; he then moves through the Jacksonian era s expansion of both the...
In Partisan Journalism: A History of Media Bias in the United States, Jim A. Kuypers guides readers on a journey through American journalistic history...
Ever since the first colonists landed in -The New World, - Americans have forged ahead in their quest to make good on the promises of capitalism and independence. This book vividly illustrates the history of business in the United States from the point of view of the enterprising men and women who made it happen. Weaving together vivid narrative with economic analysis, American Entrepreneur recounts fascinating successes and failures, including: how Eli Whitney changed the shape of the American business landscape...the impact of the Civil War on the economy and the subsequent...
Ever since the first colonists landed in -The New World, - Americans have forged ahead in their quest to make good on the promises of capitalism and i...