A compilation and summary of four research studies is presented. They were aimed at developing a theoretical and practical understanding of homeowners' attitudes and behaviors in the wildland-urban interface (WUI) in relation to the threat from wildland fires. Individual studies focused on models and methods that measured (1) value orientations (patterns of basic beliefs) toward natural processes, (2) attitudes toward wildland fire policies, and (3) behavioral intentions to adopt defensible space activities or support agency policies/actions. This report presents some of the key findings from...
A compilation and summary of four research studies is presented. They were aimed at developing a theoretical and practical understanding of homeowners...
Lori B. Shelby Deborah J. Shields Donna L. Lybecker
The USDA Forest Service revises its Strategic Plan according to the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act (Public Law 103-62). The goals and objectives included in the Strategic Plan are developed from natural resource trend data (Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act) and public input such as the results from this survey. The purpose of this report is to present results from the second version of this survey (RMRS-GTR-95). A random sample of the American public was asked about their objectives for the management of public lands and beliefs about the role the USDA Forest...
The USDA Forest Service revises its Strategic Plan according to the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act (Public Law 103-62). The goals and obj...