As evidenced by the poignant life story of Victor Baugh, the Anchor truly has held against overwhelming circumstances. From birth till the present time, Victor has learned what it means to overcome. His unique expression sets him apart for Kingdom work, and he unashamedly gets his message across all ethnic and social lines, not concerning himself with his own popularity with the powers that be, but mindful of the One he serves.
I've kept up with Victor through the years since 1996 when he was a doctoral student at Bethany, and as I read this very special spiritual success story, I am...
As evidenced by the poignant life story of Victor Baugh, the Anchor truly has held against overwhelming circumstances. From birth till the present ...
As evidenced by the poignant life story of Victor Baugh, the Anchor truly has held against overwhelming circumstances. From birth till the present time, Victor has learned what it means to overcome. His unique expression sets him apart for Kingdom work, and he unashamedly gets his message across all ethnic and social lines, not concerning himself with his own popularity with the powers that be, but mindful of the One he serves.
I've kept up with Victor through the years since 1996 when he was a doctoral student at Bethany, and as I read this very special spiritual success story, I am...
As evidenced by the poignant life story of Victor Baugh, the Anchor truly has held against overwhelming circumstances. From birth till the present ...