Norman Goodman finds himself in a world on the precipice of either a grand New Age or an age of darkness. As prophecies unfold, his psyche is also in limbo as he journeys with unlikely companions on a magical trek of self-discovery and mystical awareness. Wondering if one can truly sell their soul, Norman braves his way through an existence of Heaven and Hell, hoping to find truth, love, and liberation in a world of illusion.
Norman Goodman finds himself in a world on the precipice of either a grand New Age or an age of darkness. As prophecies unfold, his psyche is also in ...
Your current state of physical being will change no matter what is done. From this point of "now" is where you can determine how it changes by the choices you make and the perception you have of your wellness and state of being. You are not the body, but the body is an aspect of you. You are the chooser. You can choose how you view your nutrition, your activities, and what limitations you place on them. No matter how you look, feel, or think right now, there is always a positive way forward. Change will happen. What the results of change are will depend on the force that causes the change....
Your current state of physical being will change no matter what is done. From this point of "now" is where you can determine how it changes by the cho...