In this auspicious debut, Alex Dolan announces himself as a virtuoso of psychological suspense and a rightful heir to masters of the genre like Gillian Flynn and Megan Abbott. A young woman helps to end the lives of people with terminal diseases, her reasons her own. When she helps the wrong person, she will be roped into a plot to gain vengeance on behalf of dozens. Her journey will make her question everything she ever thought she knew about herself. And the last life she ends may be her own. They know her as Kali. She is there to see them off into the afterlife with kindness, with...
In this auspicious debut, Alex Dolan announces himself as a virtuoso of psychological suspense and a rightful heir to masters of the genre like Gillia...
Good art can make a person cry; great art can make a person kill. Paire Anjou came to New York to be an artist, but thus far has only achieved an artist boyfriend--the enfant terrible of the art world, Derek Rosewood. On her way to his show, where his controversial paintings will be on display, Paire sees an older man on the sidewalk, looking into the window of the Fern Gallery, gazing intently at a painting, and sobbing. As Paire approaches him, the man stabs himself in the chest. The painting that inspired the suicide is a one-off for the gallery--the last-known...
Good art can make a person cry; great art can make a person kill. Paire Anjou came to New York to be an artist, but thus far has only achi...