Every child has their innate intelligence which will be reflected in a multiple Manner. The study on multiple intelligence abilities in children with its associated dimensions are considered to be the modest contribution, for children studying in different institutions in the state and it has brought out clearly the role of certain socio-demographic variables such as gender and locality as they are not significantly contributed. Apart from the socio-demographic variables, some academic variables viz., academic performance has not significantly contributed to the multiple intelligence of those...
Every child has their innate intelligence which will be reflected in a multiple Manner. The study on multiple intelligence abilities in children with ...
Multiple intelligence abilities come under interdisciplinary education as it seeks to explore broad concepts or ideas across many disciplines, for the purpose of better understanding both the concepts and their applications and meanings across various disciplines. Teachers sometimes give priority to the disciplines themselves, however and their eagerness, to "Stretch" learning across all subject areas is sometimes counterproductive, particularly when the concept or idea is of little interest to the students.
Multiple intelligence abilities come under interdisciplinary education as it seeks to explore broad concepts or ideas across many disciplines, for the...
An attempt has been made to discuss the major findings of the study to throw more light on the unique findings and also to suggest comprehensive ways and means of utilizing the present information in a fruitful manner. This chapter reports a Summary of the Study under the headings: Introduction, Statement of the Problem, Title of the problem, Need for the Study, Scope of the Study, Objectives of the Study, Hypothesis of the Study, Variables Included in the Study, Tools Used, Sample Selected, Collection of Data, Scoring and Analysis, Statistical Techniques Employed, Major Findings of the...
An attempt has been made to discuss the major findings of the study to throw more light on the unique findings and also to suggest comprehensive ways ...