As she spins the saga of Marra Dallas, author Marilyn Timpanaro explores the depths of the human condition as she follows a young woman whose life journey begins with violence and murder. Running from her past, Marra's travels transport her from her small New Jersey hometown, to the Jersey shore, to the majesty of Charleston, and then on to the warm waters and splendid sunsets on the Gulf of Mexico. The people she encounters along the way become keys to the mysteries of Marra's past, and comfort for the trials of her future. As secrets and lies come to light, life's twists and turns unfold as...
As she spins the saga of Marra Dallas, author Marilyn Timpanaro explores the depths of the human condition as she follows a young woman whose life jou...
It was ironic that best-selling author Natalie Valentine should be murdered on the very day she'd been contemplating suicide. Standing over her own lifeless body, Natalie decides to follow the two investigating detectives, Nick Davenport and Camille Duguay, hoping they'll be successful in uncovering her killer, one she believes is the least likely culprit. Nick and Camille have a multitude of suspects, including their own Police Chief, Hoot Higgins, who is uncooperative and seems to be impeding their investigation at every turn. When Natalie's attorney produces a zip drive left in the event...
It was ironic that best-selling author Natalie Valentine should be murdered on the very day she'd been contemplating suicide. Standing over her own li...