Transcending Dawn Vampire Series Volumes One & Two Feisty and hot tempered, the beautiful Christina Garrett has never experienced true love. At the tender age of eighteen, her father initiated her into the vampire world. Transcending Dawn revolves around the relationship between Christina Garrett, a young biracial vampire, and Dylan Duncan, a drachmon warrior. Set in Texas, this paranormal romance is filled with action, suspense, and lighthearted humor. Chrissie, encumbered by her strict moral upbringing, finds herself enamored by the charming and charismatic Dylan Duncan. Growing up without...
Transcending Dawn Vampire Series Volumes One & Two Feisty and hot tempered, the beautiful Christina Garrett has never experienced true love. At the te...
Transcending Dawn, Vampire Series Volumes Three, The Abduction Evil incarnate, Professor Walter Marshall, a two hundred year old vampire, has only one burning obsession; to possess Christina Garrett, a twenty-five year old vampiress. Yet, this stunning female has chosen her true love. Dylan Duncan, half-human and half dragon, is a handsome drachmon warrior. Although their cultures deem them natural enemies, Dylan and Chrissie have fallen in love. Initially, things are idyllic for the couple. However, a series of adverse events transpire, aimed at the destruction of their relationship. Will...
Transcending Dawn, Vampire Series Volumes Three, The Abduction Evil incarnate, Professor Walter Marshall, a two hundred year old vampire, has only one...