Devout Muslim, Raheel Raza, gained international attention by appearing on the O'Rielly Factor in protest of the Ground Zero mosque. As a Canadian journalist and a native of Pakistan, Raheel has no illusions about the current problems of the Muslim world. Yet she is more than ready to defend her Islamic faith, as much against anti-Muslim detractors as the Islamic Jihadists. With common decency and the Qur'an as her guide, she shows how Islam truly can be a religion of peace. Ever the eternal optimist, she can help the rest of us see Islam's true potential. For more, visit
Devout Muslim, Raheel Raza, gained international attention by appearing on the O'Rielly Factor in protest of the Ground Zero mosque. As a Canadian jou...
Devout Muslim, Raheel Raza, gained international attention by appearing on the O'Rielly Factor in protest of the Ground Zero mosque. As a Pakistan-born Canadian Muslim she seems to break all conventions. Though a self-labeled feminist and progressive, Americans might call her a "conservative" for her general disdain for political correctness. Raheel has no illusions about the current problems of the Muslim world. With common decency and the Qur'an as her guide, she shows how Islam can be a religion of peace.
Devout Muslim, Raheel Raza, gained international attention by appearing on the O'Rielly Factor in protest of the Ground Zero mosque. As a Pakistan-bor...