Humanity has amnesia. What trauma was so great that it caused an entire race to forget where they came from? In Book V of The Windows of Heaven, the Gate of the Gods promises new hope and a new direction, but instead hurls humanity to the threshold of madness. A tiny civilization grows again in the wake of the global catastrophe, several generations past. A ziggurat under construction broods over settlements that seek the knowledge, power, and comforts of a world their parents saw destroyed by flood and flame. That knowledge still exists, waiting in the sacred cities of Arrata beyond the...
Humanity has amnesia. What trauma was so great that it caused an entire race to forget where they came from? In Book V of The Windows of Heaven, the G...
Church history reads like a wartime romance tragedy with the promise of a happy ending, writ large. The New Testament calls the church "Christ's Bride." "One Faith-Many Transitions: Worldviews in Church History" snapshots the pathos, defeat, and victory of the heroes and villains in historic Christianity. More importantly, "One Faith" maps many of the worldviews the church encountered, during its growth. It shows how the Holy Spirit redemptively used parts of these worldviews to give Christians tools they might not have otherwise had, but also shows how other parts distorted the Faith, when...
Church history reads like a wartime romance tragedy with the promise of a happy ending, writ large. The New Testament calls the church "Christ's Bride...