Have you ever felt as if no one understood your pain? Have you ever felt alone even when you were surrounded by many others? Have you hidden behind smiles in an attempt to mask how you really felt? Poetically Pensive is a must read for anyone who is feeling hopeless, and alone, or anyone who has ever been to the point of giving up. Stephanie gives you an intimate view of her thoughts and experiences on a variety of subjects. She openly shares her triumph after the trials in her life in an attempt to inspire and uplift others. She reminds those who are struggling to not give up, and resort to...
Have you ever felt as if no one understood your pain? Have you ever felt alone even when you were surrounded by many others? Have you hidden behind sm...
I've kept a lot of secrets, I've observed a lot of things I've hidden lies under countless rugs And made dirty houses a ppear clean. I've swept until a cloud of dust Temporarily filled the air, Clouding my vision, and putting a strain on my vocal cords, although speaking about it, I wouldn't dare. But I'm about to shake out the rug, sweep out the mess, And remove it out of my sight. I knew "The rule" was not to talk, But no one said I couldn't write.... Swept Under the Rug is a story written from the perspective of the Broom, the Sweeper, the Rug and the Dust. It offers an illicit description...
I've kept a lot of secrets, I've observed a lot of things I've hidden lies under countless rugs And made dirty houses a ppear clean. I've swept until ...
The pain in my heart is unbearable So I close my eyes and say, "Dear God, I'm placing my life in your hands Right now, right here, today." The fear in my heart consumes me. I feel I'd rather run and hide . . . So I close my eyes and imagine I'm running into God's arms which are opened wide. Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. If you are in the midst of any storm in your life and you feel lost and alone, this is a must read. It will prove that you are not alone and it will show you how Stephanie used poetry as a therapeutic outlet....
The pain in my heart is unbearable So I close my eyes and say, "Dear God, I'm placing my life in your hands Right now, right here, today." The fear in...
Awesome Wonder is a collection of poetry that was written to help you relax as you are taken to a place of peace. With each poem, you will experience the art of simply living in the moment, and bask in the joy and contentment of life's simple pleasures
Awesome Wonder is a collection of poetry that was written to help you relax as you are taken to a place of peace. With each poem, you will experience ...